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Do you require a presence at your meetings and group sessions who can engage, inspire and motivate people? Do you wish your staff would share their ideas?

Take ownership? Show enthusiasm? Interact outside of their normal circles? Do you require someone who can engage a complex audience?

Abby Rees, Punk Pd Canberra

PunkPD will create a tailored facilitation experience to ensure you get the most from your staff! Using engaging techniques and effectively managing personnel, participation, creativity and problem solving, PunkPD will help you reach your goal.

True facilitation is the art of simultaneously igniting conversation, moving with the flow and directing the flow.

Abby Rees, Punk Pd Canberra

Facilitating involves:

  • Developing rapport quickly and creating a safe space for people to talk freely and frankly (we call this creating ‘Grace in the Space’)


  • Equalising power and hierarchical structures within the room


  • Creating and co-authoring explicit frames (ways of interacting) and expectations for the session, including not only topical aspects but the ‘invisible’ socio-emotional aspects (for example, how will we ensure we invite, and listen to, opposing views?)


  • Neutralising and de-personalising potentially contentious topics


  • Simultaneously acknowledging emotions and facilitating these to be expressed resourcefully


  • Holding the silence


  • Holding the space in moments of discomfort


  • Reading and responding rapidly to minute socio-emotional cues from participants 


  • Capacity to continually, and over the course of the conversation (which may be a day or multiple days), draw together seemingly disparate narratives to create a ‘whole’ story and link threads


  • Enable and empower people to see and hold multiple perspectives


  • And, ultimately, the ability to assist people in reaching a consensus or common goal

As examples, facilitating a team, organisation or group of stakeholders could include:

  • Resolving a contentious issue or finding a mutually agreed solution


  • Decision making


  • Navigating a change process


  • Innovation, design or creative thinking


  • A Minimal Viable Product Sprint (creating a new product or service)


  • Organisational process mapping, automating or systematising existing processes


  • Strategic planning processes or team days


  • Defining roles and organisational/team structures


  • Being the Master of Ceremonies for multi-faceted events


  • Consultation processes


  • Facilitating a team or organisation through a ‘precursive norming conversation’ which involves co-authoring and developing shared norms, values, ways of interacting, dealing with conflict and opposing views, and constructing communication platform agreements


  • Navigating flexible or geographically dispersed workplaces

Abby Rees, Punk Pd Canberra

Let's chat about Facilitation

Abby Rees Punk Pd Canberra

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For an effervescent life, keep your thoughts fearless, your emotions constructive and your actions venturesome

Abby Rees Punk Pd Canberra
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